Yep! is aimed at disadvantaged young people aged 16 – 24
Specific focus on 16–18 year-olds who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) or are at risk of NEET, have special educational needs (SEN), or are in other vulnerable groups. Yep! launched in January 2024, will run until 31st March 2025. The project is managed by CSW Group on behalf of Cornwall Council.How do we help?
We support young people with employment, education, or training needs. Our partnership can offer: Employability sessions. Motivational & confidence building. Information, Advice & Guidance. Mental health support. Employer talks and work experience. Digital Skills. Self-employment workshops, 1:1 mentoring & group sessions. Supported internship and apprenticeships. .....and much more.
Who is eligible?
Yep! is aimed at disadvantaged young people aged 16 – 24 living in Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly. The project has a specific focus on 16–18-year-olds who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) or are at risk of NEET, have special educational needs (SEN), or are in other vulnerable groups.
Call us
Call 0800 97 55 111
Our partners
We work with a wide range of partnersActive Plus
Delivering a series of confidence, motivation, and resilience courses for Young People across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Consisting of 4 sessions over 4 weeks.
Key Workers providing one to one support and guidance to care experienced young people not in education, employment or training, or at risk of this.
Cornwall Education Business Partnership
Providing employer engagement activities.
CSW Group
Key Workers and SEN Support Advisers provide 1-1 individualised support, to guide and enable young people to gain the skills required to progress.
Educational Development Trust
Support is driven by the needs of young people. Delivering face-to-face 1-2-1 interventions & group workshops and remote sessions.
Plymouth Argyle Community Trust
Offering opportunities for work experience, guest speakers, and mock interviews. Plus a Level 2 Sports Leadership programme.
Enabling young people to reach their potential and overcome any mental health and emotional wellbeing challenges that they may be experiencing.
Supporting young people from Saltash to Camborne, who have a learning disability or difficulty to move forward into employment, education, or training.
Real Ideas
Real Ideas help to enable individuals to explore industry opportunities and career and skills development as well as accessing progression opportunities.
RJ Working
Restorative Engagement Programmes, supporting young people who are struggling at college, socially or with attendance, and at risk of disengaging.
Newquay Orchard
Sustainable community hub serving Newquay and beyond. Helping people to socialise, learn and build their skills in a safe, welcoming environment. Everyone is welcome there.
Yep! is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cornwall Council has been chosen by Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.