There are a number of training and skills providers delivering part-time and short courses right across Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and Plymouth.  Between them they offer a diverse range of courses, qualifications and training opportunities. 

Whether you are looking for a course for career progression, or to develop a new passion or interest, you will be sure to find something to suit you. 

Cornwall Opportunities and Cornwall Council want to ensure residents have access to the training, skills, and qualifications they need to enhance their lives through lifelong learning and can find the information and advice they need quickly and easily.  

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Free Courses

If you are looking to progress in your current job or industry, or want to try something new, you can develop yourself with a free qualification to help you in your future career.  

There are a wide range of courses on offer, including in areas such as accounting, digital, health and social care, construction, early, hospitality, agriculture and much more.  

Free courses are available to adults aged 19 and over who are either: 

  • Unemployed  
  • Earn below the National Living Wage annually (currently £20,319) 
  • Do not already have a level 3 qualification 

You may also be able to get support to pay for childcare, travel, and other costs.  

Typically, courses will vary from a few weeks to a year.  

Maths, English, and Digital Courses 

Maths, English, and digital skills are essential for entering work or getting on a further education course to pursue your career.  

Courses at level 2 and below (including GCSEs) are free to any person who has not yet gained a GCSE grade 4 or above (C above). 

Also look at the Multiply Programme.