The Mid Life MOT 

The Mid Life MOT is designed to help both you as an employer, and your employees, to consider their health, skills needs and finances options, so that you can begin a conversation about what they might need to help stay in work and continue leading fulfilling lives. 

What is the Mid Life MOT? 

The Mid Life MOT is a government backed initiative aimed at employees in their mid-career years, typically in their 40s and 50s.  It is designed to help individuals assess their current work and life situation, identify goals, and plan for the future.   

By engaging with the Mid Life MOT, employers can support their staff to stop and take a look at their work, wellbeing and finances, prepare for retirement and build financial resilience.   

Every year in Cornwall older workers leave employment for a variety of reasons before their retirement date. You could miss out on their expertise, and the opportunity to help younger members of your workforce learn and develop. Departure can be due to caring responsibilities, poor health, or because they feel that they cannot keep up with new technologies or ways of working, including hour of work. 

What can you do? 

  • Promote and encourage your staff to participate in the Mid Life MOT.  
  • Consider flexible working, reduce hours, job carving or sharing.  
  • If you have a benefits package, is it right for everyone? 
  • Have conversations with older workers to understand what they might need as they age. 
  • Ask them to mentor younger workers so skills and experience are passed on. 
  • Consider a skills audit to identify training opportunities and work with local providers to deliver them. Contact the Growth Hub.   
  • Offer financial planning advice and plan for retirement transition for individuals.  
  • Encourage healthier lifestyles for all employees. 
  • Make sure that older workers get the same opportunities as everyone else on your workforce. 

Visit The Mid Life MOT Website