What is Clean Energy?

Clean energy is energy that comes from renewable, zero emission sources that do not pollute the atmosphere when used, as well as energy saved by energy efficiency measures.

Cornwall uses an estimated £500m of energy each year. Much of this energy is imported from outside Cornwall and is largely dependent on fossil fuel consumption. Cornwall has the potential to provide and develop a broad range of renewable and low carbon infrastructure, including wind, geothermal, photo-voltaic, biomass and wave power. The aim is for the area to become self-sufficient and able to produce all of the energy that it needs.

Clean Energy in Cornwall

Cornwall is well positioned to generate clean energy resources with deep waters and winds facilitating the development of Floating Offshore Wind and hot rocks enabling Geothermal as well as the skills and technology from existing marine and mining sectors. With a pioneering and innovative people, Cornwall is intent on creating the clean energy resources to meet our own zero carbon targets and export our resources to help others meet theirs.

Tin Mining

Mining plays a future in our transition to clean energy 


Future Careers in Cornish Geothermal


Future Careers in Cornish Lithium

Offshore Wind

Future Careers in Cornish Floating Offshore Wind


Miss Molecule & Friends is a series of animations and resources aimed at children between 9-11 years. 

Jargon Busting Jobs

Geotechnical engineering Geotechnical engineering is a type of civil engineering that focuses on how the ground behaves and how to use soil and rocks effectively. Geotechnical engineers study the properties of soil and rock to create strong foundations, retaining structures, and other earth-based projects. The UK mean Salary for this role is: £75,000.
Solar consultants Solar consultants perform sales and support functions related to solar energy systems, particularly the installation of systems designed for residential use. They schedule consultations and appointments and educate customers about the features and benefits of solar energy systems. The UK mean Salary for this role is: £33,000.
Metocean engineer A Metocean Engineer studies the weather and ocean conditions for projects near the coast, in the sea or using wind or waves to make renewable energy. ‘Metocean’ comes from combining the words meteorological and oceanographic. The UK mean Salary for this role is: £50,000.

Start your career in Clean Energy with these courses

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The Future of Clean Energy 

Most countries are aiming to cut greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible (net zero). This requires a substantial change to the energy sector with an increasing focus on clean energy and renewables. Cornwall is at the forefront of this move and is developing projects in wind, wave, solar and geothermal power.  

The kind of energy transition imagined under net zero will require the creation of a lot of new clean energy jobs. As Cornwall pursues its aim of becoming energy self-sufficient, more and more people will be needed to work in this sector in roles such as solar power, electric vehicles and house retrofits. 

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