Person raising her hand with a speech bubble and question mark.

Important: You can ask anyone in PROPER JOB about anything you do not understand.

Information about me

Black square with a large computer mouse icon pointing at the word click

When we plan services we keep information about you on computers.

Notebook with people stood looking at paper on a table with 'plan' written above them.

We will only use this information to:

a carer helping someone write a form

Give you support

Three people together looking at a bar chart

Get data

a group of people stood around two people shaking hands

An example of data we will get is the number of people who get a job.

Person with their finger on their lips and the word 'confidential' on the image.

Your name will not be used in this information.

Person showing another person something on a piece of paper.

Sometimes your information will be shared with other people.

Person stood in front of workers from different support settings.

The people may be from the Council, NHS and employers


We will keep your information safely for 3 years after we stop giving services to you

What are my rights?

person doing the BSL sign for Information

Your personal information belongs to you and you have the right to:

Person raising her hand with a speech bubble and question mark.

Know what we do with your information

Person sat on a chair reading a piece of paper

Ask for a copy of the information we hold about you

Person wearing a suit pointing at a tick list

Have it changed if it is not correct

Paper shredder shredding paper

Have it deleted (if the law says that we do not need it

Consent Form with a red x

Say no if you do not want to use your information in certain situations

How do I get hold of information held about me?

Person writing in a diary

You can write to us to get your information

Business Man wearing a suit and holding a briefcase

This information can be passed to anyone in PROPER JOB or sent to the Council’s Data Protection Officer at the address below.

Lady helping another lady fill in a form

You can ask anyone in PROPER JOB to help you get this information.

If you do not agree with something

Hands writing an email on a tablet

Ask your worker or contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer at the address below if you are not happy about how we look after your information

Person using a phone with speech bubbles around them.

Or you can ask the Information Commissioner’s Office to help you.

mobile phone dialling number

Call 0303 123 1113

Cornwall Council is a data controller registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office

Hand holding a pen writing on envelope

Our registered address is: Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Turro TR1 3AY

Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294

Information Icon

For more information on how we use your information, please contact the Data Protection Office at:

mobile phone dialling number

Tel: 01872 326424

Easy Read by PROPER JOB

If you would like this information in another  

Format or language please contact: 

Cornwall Council 

County Hall 

Treyew Road 

Truro TR1 3AY 


Email: [email protected] 

Telephone: 0300 1234 100