These pages are designed in partnership between Cornwall Council and CSW Group. They contains information on courses across Cornwall for young people with Education and Health Care Plans aged 16 to 24 that start in September 2023.

With all the information on courses in one place, young people, their parents and carers and other professionals supporting them can search by college or course topic to find out what is available.

If you are a young person or a parent/carer who wants to find out more about the courses, the contact details are on each provider’s page. If help is needed with future planning and ideas please ask your school or college for support and careers information and advice. If you are no longer at school or college and wish to return to learning please go to the CSW website.


About Cornwall Council’s Statutory SEN Service

The Statutory SEN Service works with all young people (0-25) who have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan.

Each young person has an allocated casework officer (CWO) within the SEN team.

When a young person is moving from school into post-16 education it is important the SEN team are told of their plans.  This is so they can name the next provision in the EHC plan by the 31st March.

Post-16 options should be talked through at the Y10 review or before. This will make sure everyone is clear about a young person’s aims as they prepare for adult life.

Young people and their families are encouraged to look at college websites, go to open days/events, attend taster days etc. If you are a young person who is looking to transfer to a post-16 placement, please go to the section about CSW to see if they may be able to help you.

CSW Group send information about a young person’s preference for their next setting to the SEN team. The allocated CWO will then consult with the preferred provider.

If the provider tells the CWO that they can meet the young person’s special educational need, the new setting is named in the young person’s EHC plan.  If the provider does not feel they can meet the young person’s special education need, the CWO will talk to family and the provider to talk about what might be needed so the young person can attend.


About CSW Group

We are a not-for-profit organisation delivering our services across the South West. For over 25-years, CSW whilst uncovering learning and work opportunities for thousands of people, has adapted to meet market demand and changing government policies to develop a broad portfolio of provision. We support businesses, young people and adults through key transition points. We deliver services that build aspiration and turn it into achievement, unlocking potential and developing individuals and organisations.


CSW Transitions

CSW deliver, on behalf of the Local Authorities of Cornwall, Devon, Plymouth, and Torbay, a statutory targeted transition support service for young people including:

  • Support for young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and those in vulnerable groups considered at risk of being not in education, employment or training (NEET)
    • Information, advice and guidance (IAG), signposting and referrals for young people who are NEET
    • Identification, tracking and monitoring service to ensure young peoples’ entitlement is being delivered.

We work with Young People with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in year 9, 10 and 11, if they are making a transition from their current school after year 11 to a new post 16 learning  provider.


Post 16

CSW supports young people with an EHCP who are at risk of disengaging from either their post-16 school or Further Education provider.

CSW will support the transition of a young person (aged 16-25) attending an Independent Provider or in receipt of High Needs Block Element 3 funding through to their next steps of independent living, further education or employment:
– With 1:1 support, completing / updating an Options Appraisal Form for each student transitioning to a different educational placement at the end of their current year; Working with the Local Authority where there are concerns about an individual young person
– Engaging when at home during the holidays with young people who attend out-of-county Independent Provider placements
– Liaising with adult health & social services as required to support the transition process.

Additionally for post-16 Students aged 16-25 & with an EHCP

CSW will:
– Provide support for as long as the plan is in place (this includes those Not in Education, Employment or Training that have a ‘live’ EHCP)
– Support those over 20 (i.e., have reached their 20th birthday) to re-engage in learning funded by their EHCP if they wish
– Signpost / refer to services such as JCP, PLUSS etc for those looking for employment; and Provide referrals to Adult Social Care where needed for those requiring social care funded provision.


Tracking and Monitoring

Why is CSW Group contacting me?
Many services keep information about you, such as schools, doctors etc. CSW Group keeps information about you on behalf of your Local Authority. This starts when you are in secondary school, and usually continues up to your 20th birthday. The reason for collecting this information is to make sure you receive the services you are entitled to. This may include entitlement to benefits for young people, support with looking for work, funding for training (like apprenticeships), putting you in touch with other services and organisations, and information on how your employer may be able to access funding.

Who else receives the information?
CSW Group does not share any personal information about you with anyone else, unless there is a legal requirement to do so. Information we hold sometimes contributes to statistical information, which we provide when required to some organisations through your Local Authority.



Cornwall’s Information, Advice and Support Service is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority and provides free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND from 0-25.

It aims to promote good working relationships between children, young people, parents, education settings and the LA, whilst seeking to empower them to play an active and informed role in their child’s education.

We can support parents, carers, children and young people in a number of ways. We provide a range of flexible services which include training, referral to other statutory and voluntary agencies, access to local and national support groups, telephone support and face to face meetings depending on need.

Learn more here.