In Cornwall, we celebrate the spirit of giving back, and volunteering isn't just about doing good—it's a powerful way to boost your career prospects.

Here’s how volunteering can open doors to new skills, experiences, and employment opportunities.

Explore Your Interests

Volunteering allows you to explore different interests and roles. It is an excellent way and free way to try something different, discover your passions, and find the perfect career path or even think about self-employment. Cornwall offers diverse volunteering options, ensuring there is something for everyone.

Gain Practical Experience

Volunteering allows you to dive into the real world and gain practical, hands-on experience that employers value. Whether you are interested in health and care, education, environmental conservation, or community development, Cornwall offers a wide range of volunteering opportunities tailored to your interests.

Develop Transferable Skills

Volunteering supports the development of essential skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. These common or key skills are not only crucial in the workplace but are also highly transferable, making you a more desirable candidate across job sectors.

Expand Your Network

Volunteering introduces you to a diverse range of people, including other volunteers, professionals, and community leaders. Building these connections can lead to mentorship, job referrals, and even job offers. Cornwall's vibrant volunteering community is a perfect platform to expand your professional network.

Boost Your Confidence

Volunteering can help you step out of your comfort zone and face new challenges. This boosts your confidence, making you more self-assured in job interviews. Employers appreciate candidates who demonstrate initiative and confidence.

See our page on self-employment