Engineering and Manufacturing

The engineering and manufacturing sector is made up of small and large businesses that often support many other of the sectors in Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly. These include for example agriculture, marine, construction and low carbon energy. 

Employees with a range of specialisms are needed in this sector. This is due to the variety of businesses and the large numbers of areas where there are skill shortages. 

11% The engineering and manufacturing sectors make up 11% of the Cornish economy and the median average salary is £31,196, with salaries for different occupations within the sector showing significant variation.
#1 The South West Institute of Technology is working with industry to provide excellent technical education and training in Cornwall and the wider South West, to become one of the world’s leading regions for digital, engineering and manufacturing technologies.
60% The Cornwall Manufacturers Group reported that 60% of engineering companies in Cornwall expect to have shortages of skilled labour over the next few years.

Cornwall Manufacturing Group's Academy

Recruitment concerns 

A recent study carried out has shown that 78% of UK industrial companies are finding it either harder or much more complex than usual to find the employees they need. An ageing workforce means experienced workers are retiring faster than new workers entering the industry, and prior to Brexit 11% of the UK’s manufacturing workforce came from the EU. According to a government study,186,000 skilled engineers are needed annually until 2024 to plug the skills gap, and almost 20% of the current workforce is due to retire by 2026 according to the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board.

Engineering and Manufacturing Opportunities in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

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